campaign of hate
JoinedPosts by campaign of hate
2015 Regional Convention Anthony Morris Governing Body encourages coerced baptism of unwilling children ...again
by Watchtower-Free inthis is from the last talk of the convention ......... clip 1:30 minutes long
campaign of hate
Just when I think this religion can't get any madder, they prove me wrong. -
New Thought About Active J.W.'s
by The Searcher infrom my own observations & conversations with selected active j.w.
's, here are my conclusions:.
's are very rapidly falling into two distinct camps -.
campaign of hate
Its my guess that they are preparing for meetings to be broadcast VIA headquarters.
1 public talk a month, then gradually work towards every week.
I heard one report it was something in the range of 40 vids at the RC? 40 VIDEOS! WTF?! And people are lapping it up.
It's just mental conditioning for what is to come, which is fully broadcast meetings, under the guise of being more unified. The sheeple won't even blink.
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
campaign of hate
These 7 GB members have little education, have spent most of their life in "full time service", and probably never been near a book that delves deep into accounting and law.
And your telling me they are the ones making these big decisions?
Give me a break.
New Thought About Active J.W.'s
by The Searcher infrom my own observations & conversations with selected active j.w.
's, here are my conclusions:.
's are very rapidly falling into two distinct camps -.
campaign of hate
Searcher, you make some good observations there, and i would agree that this is the general consensus.
In my cong i would say the ratio is about 80/20 in favor of being loyal and gullible toward the GBs authority. But my cong is unusually conservative, so i'm guessing this ratio would be lower in other areas.
Jehovah's Witnesses 2015 Regional Convention Saturday PM experience parents shunning children
by Watchtower-Free inclip 3 minutes long.
ron and brenda sutton ................warwick 3 children
it was the missed association with family that brought them back.
campaign of hate
Sick, sick, sick.
Funny how this convention is about imitating Jesus, when he was all about acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness.
JWs need to learn to chill the F**k out.
by disillusioned 2 inthere are many on here who state specific changes in wt publications have caused them to start questioning (understandably you would think), and yet the majority don't.
why is it only a few individuals that do this?
curious as to what others think about this.
campaign of hate
Someone mentioned earlier, that the vast majority of people go along with the staus quo in life, doing as their told, doing what they perceive they should do because every one else does it. Only a very few start to question life, and where they are heading, and think about the bigger role of humanity.
Ironically, its the same attitude and dissatisfaction that draws people to the JWs. I suppose that is why they have one of the lowest rates of retention.
I'm guessing a lot of people join the JWs because it's something different to the mainstream, in a sense they are rebelling against the world system and it's ideologies. But if your bringing in people who have that "rebel" streak in them, it's only a matter of time until they rebel against the teachings of the WT. whether it takes 1 year or 40 years.
This is why i think a lot of people question doctrine but keep it too themselves. They are rebellious and non conformist in nature, but a lot of the time, by the time their mind catches onto the the cracks in the doctrine, it is too late. By this time they are in their 40's, 50's or 60's they are in deep with a lot of family "in", and their entire life and world view revolves around JWdom.
They rebelled against the norm as they are non conformist in nature, but then finally realize when it is too late, that in actual fact they did conform, just to a different narrative.
They realize they SOLD OUT.
Which is one of the major reasons i believe their is so much unhappiness in the congregations.
The "Final Push" before the GT!!! I think they REALLY believe it!
by DATA-DOG ini don't know if i have shared this with everyone, but there seems to be a new theocratic term, at least in my circuit.. the term is "final push.
" wtf does it mean?
well, an eldub said that the gb are "all in" with warwick and they might spend all their money on the project.
campaign of hate
They been saying this since 1879.
"The final push"
"on the threshold of the new world"
"The last day of the last days"
"just around the corner"
"you can actually see the new world"
Would you like to live for ever on earth?
by fulano ini was discussing this topic with two friends of mine, ex jws, a few nights ago.
i think it would be boring after a while.
you can't smoke, have to drink with moderation (difficult in europe with all the wines).
campaign of hate
I would like to live forever, but outside the JW narrative.
I believe this century science will discover a drug that either slows or halts aging. Then next century maybe a drug that reverses the aging process, but i am still skeptical about that possibility.
Imagine watching mankind progress in the field of space exploration, discovering new worlds, colonizing new planets.
I look at the progress mankind has made since 1915, and it is truly remarkable.
It's funny how i used to believe that sin was the cause for growing old, now i believe it's because science hasn't fully worked it out yet.
What triggered your doubts / awakening?
by Tornintwo ini am sort of new here, used a different username for a while but things got 'difficult' at home so i've since been lurking.... what i would be really interested to know, if you don't mind sharing, is what it was that triggered your doubts and initial research which led to awakening, was it a bad experience, injustice, changed doctrine?
for me, it was seeing mistreatment of young ones in the congregation, they're under so much pressure and as soon as they go even slightly astray they are shunned, either informally (as bad associations which pushes them further into the 'world') or formally - with elders dying to throw the book at them so they even lose their family.... ...then reading about child abuse issues in the press.... ...which led me to silentlambs.
...then jw facts, this forum and coc, wham!
campaign of hate
Looked on wikipedia on Governing body members, as i couldnt find an exhaustive list in WT publications.
Read the section on Ray Franz. Was surprised i had never heard of him.
That was the start of my quest down the rabbit hole.
JWs and their views on Sex
by campaign of hate inin the past i have read on this forum that the wt have a say in the "bedroom" of couples.
i thought that was a bit overkill at first, but recently i have come to conclusion that this is true.. the control administered by the wt cooperation on ones sex life is not on only intrusive, its damaging.
they control every aspect of ones thought and action, thus leading most down a path that said corporation wants them to tread.. this path is to get married young, and then eternal loyalty the the organisation.. so how can an organisation force you to get married young?.
campaign of hate
I agree, marriages do and can succeed when both parties wait until their wedding night.
Prayer before sex? f**king kidding me?? Thats F**ked up.